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Ground investigation
Geotechnical consultancy
Contaminated land assessment

Royal Albert Dock

Extensive geotechnical and geoenvironmental investigation for major commercial and residential redevelopment on site of historic wharves

Royal Albert Dock
Royal Albert Dock
Royal Albert Dock

The Royal Albert Dock development features over 400,000m2 of commercial and residential space, directly opposite London City Airport in London Borough of Newham. The area is predicted to become London’s third business district. The project was shortlisted in the 'Innovation of the Year' for the London Construction Awards 2018.

Following a review of previous ground investigations at this large site, we carried out an extensive ground investigation, comprising cable percussion boreholes, cone penetration testing, trial pitting and shallow opendrive sampling.

Our comprehensive report provided recommendations with respect to the design of foundations and for dealing with ground contamination. We were subsequently engaged by the main contractor to assist with remediation and waste disposal.

Royal Albert Dock
Royal Albert Dock
Royal Albert Dock


Farrells Architects




ABP & Stanhope Developments


London E16


Workplace / Housing

GEA Engineer

Desk Study

Matthew Penfold
Principal Geotechnical Engineer

GEA services

Desk study

Ground investigation

Geotechnical consultancy

Geoenvironmental consultancy

Pile mat design

Bridge pile assessment

Settlement analysis

Interpretive reporting

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