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Ground investigation
Geotechnical consultancy
Contaminated land assessment

Heaps Mill

Difficult access ground investigation and planning assistance

Heaps Mill, Liverpool
Heaps Mill, Liverpool
Heaps Mill, Liverpool

GEA was commissioned to review previous ground investigation reports and to carry out additional investigation within this Grade II listed former rice mill. The building dates from the 1880s and was in poor structural condition. GEA used hand held and restricted access equipment to confirm the ground conditions for additional internal columns. The refurbished mill buildings will sit alongside five new-build blocks that together will create a community of over 750 private rented apartments. The retained historic façades of this building will be a key focal point in the final scheme. Following the intrusive investigation, GEA’s Bryan O’Gorman led the liaison with Liverpool City Council to secure the discharge of the pre-commencement planning conditions in respect of how potential soil contamination would be managed.

Heaps Mill, Liverpool


Falconer Chester Hall


Mason Navarro Pledge




The Baltic Triangle, Liverpool



GEA Engineer

Desk Study

Martin Cooper
Technical Director

GEA services

Geotechnical consultancy

Geotechnical investigation

Geoenvironmental consultancy

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